Help me find this oracle deck please!
Help me crochet this please?! :)
Tell me three of your favorite things and I will recommend you a book!
Need guidance on secular aspects of tarot
AirWair Tags on 1460 MIE are different?
Who’s an actor that Hollywood tried to make a star out of but fail
Are there any any contemporary pop musicians / singer-songwriters who you feel write lyrics that could stand on their own as poetry?
is reading books at a low level counterproductive?
Grover is ruining the show for me (hot take)
[pjotv] [pjmovie] I think I prefer the 1st movie and here’s why
First time writing!
I’m lost because of Heartstopper
[Challenge] How much do you understand?
Looking for songs for a “female rage”/“tear down the patriarchy” playlist
Book vs TV show thoughts from a person that’s not a huge fan of the book
Joining Alice’s Patreon is one of the best things I did this year. And here is why…
AITA for not including my grandchildren's stepmother, step and half siblings in a family book?
AITA for grounding my 12 year old for refusing to help her overwhelmed mother with siblings?
What's something that needs to stop being passed down the generations?
What do you wish you'd known as a new player?
Professional(ish) quality ATYD Audiobook
Looking for (not romance) books with strong female lead characters, genre not too important, (I listen to a wide variety of things) that are written by female authors.
AITA for getting weirded out by my boyfriend's talk with his younger sister?
In depth tattoo aftercare!
AITA for taking my daughter to get her hair cut when I knew it would upset my wife?