My beautiful Guineas are gone, don't do what I did.
Thanks and Damn, Y’all! NTD
So what’s everyone’s favourite mask so far? Lol
Say aaah - Orlando Wetlands Park
H: Full set non-glowing rare fasnacht masks W: Wasteland Lotto 10:4
Raid Bundle Giveaway #2 What Raid boss would you like to see in a future raid? Giveaway ends 3/10 @ 6pm PST
Various paintings by Florida wildlife artist Daniel Butler
I'm stuck in the Raid.... lol!
I miss fasnacht already
‘Thou shalt get sidetracked by bullsh*t every goddamn time.’ is the truest thing ever.
Hurlburt Storm 2025
Faces of Fasnacht 2025
My fasnatch haul. RNG was on my side this event
The hell with Faschnat how about Eviction Notice day?
For next Fasnacht I wish they make a No Camp Zone around Helvetia
I am pleased to announce I finally got a rare mask
Finally got the ultra rare mask
The Glowing Jack was made for this
Is Fasnacht really something we want twice a year? That’s 1 of 12 months where the game is like this
2k Atoms Giveaway (Xbox, Playstation & PC)
Got my first New Glowing :)
Finally got my carry weight to 601
I'm glad when Fasnacht is over (LMAO).
This cage feels really useless for securely transporting power armour.
Anybody else's luck still awful for fasnacht, I just did a full 24hr run (15hrs active 9hrs AFK) (makes 106 runs in total for me) and not a single rare mask lol