He’s doing that thing with the arms we all love 😆
My Maine Coon Kitten Is the Pickiest Eater—Help!
Myrtle. Still not impressed.
My cute, adorable, cuddly, kitten is being a complete A-hole today.
My new man
WFH peeps, what are your tricks to occupy your mainecoon while you work all day?
Will my clingy kitten stay clingy?
Maine Coon not affectionate
Is it better to get 1 or 2 MC as a first time cat owner?
One Last Christmas Tree Photo Before the New Year!
Why is my meeting reminder window so small?
How to add text to formula without changing format
Getting DLC after placing gallery items
Tell me about your refresh days!
String of dolphins
Thread - The Best Movies to watch while Trippin (LSD/Shrooms)
Don’t mix Benzos or opioids, been messaging my best friend since the first of January 🕊