Do you think i am your type?
Legal now, who would like to breed with me?
What would you do to this Legal fuckdoll?
Guys my age think i am unattractive, what do you think?
How much would you rate me 1-10?
Pandemic Express Is Back Online
I think I’m giving up
Canadian Zyn buyer here, wtf are these
Are Zyns supposed to be this color?
Zyn’s have a weird pink color, counterfeit?
Commander's Throughout the Ages
I'm allowed to be evil!
Help meee
how do I make a deck that won’t get me focused?
Budget Ghyrson Burn Deck
Balance for 4 Precons table
Finished Naruto and hopped into Bleach and I don’t understand how they are even comparable
Came back to gmod after about 8 years. They're all gone now...
How can I have fun losing?
Does luck stack infinitely or is there a cap?
Gray Talon nerfed hard despite being bottom 3 win rate? Do the devs know something I don't?
Help with an error regarding family sharing
Can we talk about the dev console heroes?
How’s everyone feel about this game? Honest opinions