Or how to artificially spur capitalist growth by exploiting the ultimate resource left: man hours
Elon Musk and his team are working 120 hours a week to get things done a quickly as possible. I think that will introduce a new work culture to USA where work hours increase to ramp up the productivity. Prosperity is ahead and the future is bright. 40 hours a week is too little in my opinion.
Absolutely terrifying.
Is pork actually bad for you?
For the sake of Allah
Should I grow a bigger mustache
Me, a tourist wearing spikes, watching locals try to walk five meters from their front door to their car. (They did not always succeed)
Att tysta någon annans barn
They disgust me, but if you’re a Muslim and disagree with him you are a hypocrite in my eyes.
Kan vi bestämma oss över vad som räknas som Svensk?
Men who are 30+, what’s one lesson every guy should learn early?
I need advice from men
Yes, it IS nice being childfree
Guys, why is there always pee on the floor in men’s restrooms?
What’s the #1 turn off to make you never want to see a woman again?
What’s one thing you did that helped you lose weight?
What to expect for a tonsillectomy
If money wasn't an issue...I still wouldn't know what to do with my life
Broke up with my bf over text, he responded with ‘ok’
Deling av voldsvideo
This is my first playthrough. Are they really supposed to be THIS strong? lmao
Little accident with the projector screen.
Hvor mange av syrerne i vesten som feiret det nye regime vil demonstrere mot etnisk rensning og massedrap av minoriteter som nå pågår tror dere?
Minoriteter slaktes i Syria!!
Why is height such a deal breaker?