Messages from the future US
how do i astral project do you have any suggestions
Has ketamine stopped working for anyone else?
I believe in NDE but I have questions
Where do you think you've reincarnated before?
Is it all make-believe, fantasy, fiction?
Anyone else bother by the terms like"Witchy" or "Baby Witch"?
What made you guys interested in the occult and the supernatural in general?
A spiritual awakening instigates a life review before you die. Rather than having one in death as related in NDEs
The Disclosure was basically to touch grass
I experienced an NDE when I was 15.
Help me find this oracle deck please!
Why should I buy Vintage Story when I can buy Minecraft?
Ketamine and cognition, memory loss, verbal fluency
I was dragd out of my body this morning and when i looked up it was a spirit that looked like a human with horse head😭🤭 have someone else seen this or know what it is?
Occultist’s take on aliens
Do injuries make astral projection harder?
I had really bad reaction to psilocybin therapy… Wondering if MDMA can help settle it
Are you all paying for YouTube without ads?
I wanna here your story of interesting spiritual experiences. Stories of experiencing oneness or transcendance or god.
Some experiencers report a whole-body vibration. If that’s you, can you describe it?
Nudging people to self awareness vs leaving them alone
Elon Musk is putting me off this treatment
Do entities actually exist/reading chaos magick stuff about fake characters and getting confused
Is Astral projection real?