if there was a blood meridian adaptation...
Belal Promises to Mentally Break Shakvat
Hot Take: MVP is extremely boring
Props to the legends who fall to the new challengers, because the GOAT of the UFC ducks tough opponents.
Best fight night card ever?
He might have just have pulled the biggest fraud check
Do yall feel bad for Tay K?
The Chama Voodoo
I know this isn’t ufc related but this was a good fight
White people invented punk
Always thinking about Suttree meeting the mother of his child
Can we just fucking quit with people trying to say Punk is not political. Punk has always been political. We're a bunch of radical leftists get over it.
Out of Izzy and Kamaru who had the better MMA career?
I feel like I’ve watched every good show
After that performance, paul definitely deserves a rematch.
Many punch man 😤
Yellow shirt guy knows how to throw hands
Does anyone have dreams of a nuclear war happening?
I always wondered how short ppl here see celebrities and athletes who are short
Trump supporting punks aren’t punks at all
What if Dexter ended in season 4?
Masterpieces sequels
Worried I permanently damaged my voice