I love how everyone is agreeing with this especially with the caption. Free us!
Zerura discord server invite.
One of the problems I see is that there is soo many opinion no wonder there are all these sects
How do you fix a Muslim country?
your opinion about this
Todays Muslim Tiktoks
My older brother doesn’t pray and it’s ruining it for me
What was the moment of clarity for you when you realised you had been brainwashed?
I will never understand why african/black people follow Islam. This shit was never for us
This just sad someone said all that gold and you couldn’t invent air conditioned umbrellas
How do you deal with people around you brining up religion?
Women should just freeze now! Marshallah
Leave Santa alone, no he doesn’t wanna convert 😀
Well well well ….why is it a shocker that the women section is in a dungeon
Not a shock at all.
The trend of converting to Islam:
I just saw this lol
Professor of “modern Islam” in New York calls ex muslims scums
How many ex-Muslims are on MuzzMatch in the UK right now ?
[Meta] Israel-Palestine Mega Post
Islam is arab culture
Is there any black/African atheist or agnostic?
I really dislike how those wearing abayas get attacked that their body shape is showing… it doesn’t make sense
Are Women and Men Equal? Ex-Muslims vs Muslims | Middle Ground
Stumble across on this in Roblox… I repeat, ROBLOX.