Day 6
I relapsed after a 1502 days streak
When did you realize you are a porn addict
Rid of porn addiction,sex addiction now
Day 5
Day 2 no porn (maybe fapping once a week without it to remain sane we’ll see)
I fucked up relapsed with porn
I want to relapse cause my balls are hurting
Addicted to interracial porn, what to do?
Can’t lie, it’s been a week I feel powerful
Day 18 no porn
Guys if I keep posting but I’m day 6/7 and flat line is making me go crazy
I want to start my journey, no porn or no fap?
I was with a girl and I couldn’t get it hard
Isotretinoin and lymph nodes
Accutane and lymph nodes
Redness after shaving
Accutane saved my life
acne tied to hh
Should you pursue a relationship while on Nofap?
Holy shit. Why does it actually work???
Does anyone else sweat way more in the winter than the summer ?
Super sweaty/cold hands
How to say ‘mild’ in Italian