Is it all make-believe, fantasy, fiction?

Literally, title (and if it is just that, it's fine. It's just that most people don't seem to admit it)

i think the answer that often comes out, is "you have to try and see for yourself" Which makes sense in a way. If "the occult" (to simplify) does exist, then it is moved by laws that are not those we admit work in our scientific vision of the world (unless maybe, the latest quantum mechanics, etc...I'm an absolute idiot without any culture, but there's something that could attach to how we imagine some forms of magic, in like, quantum superposition)

Thing is, there's a lot of schools of teachings. Most do seem derivative, and like repetition of principles that existed for a very long time.
So, how to even know what to pick if I want to experience an actual perception-changing, or even life changing teaching?

So, yeah, thoughts, experiences and recommandations I guess

Edit : reminder that I'm not here to try and shake anyone's faith. I am in fact, leaning myself more on the side that believes something else exists. I just like questionning things, I think it's healthy.