Do entities actually exist/reading chaos magick stuff about fake characters and getting confused

So I’ve been reading about chaos magick as a way to kick off my occult journey and something deeply confused me:

Apparently none of the spirits and entities people work with are real, and working with fictional ones work just as well?

Like I’ve heard stories from the book I’m reading and from Reddit of ppl working with Superman and 11 and the fucking Ninja Tutrles and apparently getting results and it makes me feel weird… like- does that mean none of the gods and ancestors people work with are real. I understand the jungian notion of choosing an archetype to manifest or become but I more mean outside of that- entities separate from you that have their own lives and happen to help you

I guess both from theory and especially personal experience, how does both the existence of entities such as gods and ancestors vs workings with archetypes or fictional characters work/coexist and how does this all impact the realness of the occult?

Sorry if this is rambly