Is it acceptable to middlename a white child "Nichelle" in honour of Nichelle Nichols?

Nichelle Nichols in her role as "Uhura" on Star Trek inspired an entire generation of girls, Black and otherwise, to interest in STEM.

She went on to work for NASA for decades, continuing to inspire women to engage in excellence and aspire to important careers in space exploration, and elsewise.

I would like to name one of our (white) children partially in her honour, but my partners are trying to convince and discourage me on the basis that a white child should not "appropriate" a Black name.

My perspective is that I would be proud to explain to anyone why Nichelle Nichols inspired us to include her as a namesake for one of our children.

What do you all think? I don't want to disrespect the Black community, but my gut tells me this is an acceptable way of honouring her and not an appropriation.