What do you folks think of my investing strategy?

I am leaving US permanently this week. I have lived here for 10 years. In this time, I have invested in VOO, VTI, QQQ routinely.

Unfortunately I need to stay invested till January of next year when I become non-resident of US for tax purposes. At that point, I can cash out and withdraw all of my money.

Right now VIX is at 26.92. What I am planning on doing is waiting for a couple of weeks, let the whole discussion on tariffs to die down a little bit. Hopefully VIX will fall to around 20 at that point. Markets would stabilize a bit. Markets would have digested all of the negative news by that point made peace with it. Hopefully Trump doesn't rock the boat too much before April 1st. There will be a couple of positive news here and there as well. Which will help the stocks bounce back 1% to 2%.

At that point, I will buy PUTS on VOO, VTI, QQQ expiring on Jan 16th. Worse case scenario I will lose all 20K to 30K that I spend on these options as the price of the underlying securities shoots up, but at that point I am already making a significant profit. Or maybe I will spend 10K to 15K and get half of my portfolio covered. That itself will be a huge win.

And in the best case, the markets tanks by 30% to 40%. I cash out, invest that money in my home country. The markets in my home country move in lockstep with US markets.