Rant about marrying minors in Islam
Making laws easier when it comes to marrying a 6 year old and having sex with a 9 year old.
And simultaneously making adoption laws hypersexualised and difficult and stigmatized should be enough to leave this religion.
Muslims are hypocrites they'll tell you that the quran is perfect for all generations and for everyone.
And if you question them about Islamic moralities.
For example marrying off a 6 year old to an old man who is in his 50s, they'll tell you that these traditions were restricted to Arabs and it was common back then.
And to top it off they try and justify other religions who practiced it aswell.
Like, I hope they know that it is not being practiced anymore in 'those other religions' and its frowned upon and it's not encouraged anymore.
And it is only being practiced and glorified in this shitty religion.
The amount to mental gymnastics they do 😒