Do you ever look at the regretfulparents sub and think… what the fuck???

I heard about this sub on tiktok and out of curiosity I went to read some of the posts on the sub. I understand these feelings are valid, and many people get sucked into the idea of parenthood ignorant and blind to the actual reality of it. But some of the posts just don’t sit well with me?

For example, one mother locked her child inside his room and fell asleep on the couch. Her intention was to let him out quickly, but she accidentally fell asleep. I get that she didn’t mean to fall asleep, but she shouldn’t have locked her 4yr old inside a bedroom in the first place! With no access to water, food, or a toilet. He peed all over the room and was crying and screaming by the time she found him. Why the fuck did you lock your kid in the closet in the first place?? To be completely fuckin honest, you made your bed so lie in it. There’s literally no excuse for locking a 4 year old inside a bedroom.

Another post was a young mother who was devastated after getting pregnant a 2nd time….after having unprotected sex with her boyfriend and using the PULL-OUT method as a form of birth control. (But of course, she doesn’t know if he pulled out or not. He says he did but it’s possible he didn’t want to 🤪)

I’m sorry….. what??? 😭 how fucking stupid do you have to be? I don’t know why I’m even surprised. After being a childcare provider for several years, it’s very clear that the idiots on this planet are the ones reproducing. I just don’t fucking get it.