I wanna here your story of interesting spiritual experiences. Stories of experiencing oneness or transcendance or god.

Reason im asking is because started october im getting better. But was hearing voices saying im not god and this is my last life. And it was trying to convince me i was going to hell for blaspheming the holy spirit. And that ill never be forgiven. Eventually found out thats not how it worked and even felt jesus love at some point which felt real and was not looking to experience it. But also i feel i was going crazy before because the voices were telling ne to hurt myself and lots of bad styff that didnt make sens. I did take meds and go to the hospital im feelin better now. But yeah it felt like i really felt the love if christ. But still as real as it felt i have some doubts. Ive heard people talk about oneness. And also i experience the chakras daily and i like new age, pagan, hinduism. I like doing real spiritual practices that actually improve life not just reading the bibke and praying to god which us also good. I have also felt hindu gods in the past. So i want to here yoyre experuences with god have you ever had a oneness experience? Or experienced past kives or any cool stories?