Messages from the future US

OUR purpose as humanity/Completeness of intelligence, soul, and being/ collectively is to create a higher living blueprint in 3D for cosmic union. Part of earth (could be parallel earth) will be an incubator/example for other intelligent beings to experience life in 3D physical form that grow and evolve, heal from their fear based genetic blueprint while carrying on each one of their significant essences of inheritance. From the dimension that already experienced the end of life and existence in the 3D, I am receiving this. In this reality of 3D verse they/US from the future found a way for continuation of existence through eternal intelligence by the one successful attempt in trillion possibilities of it. We are so lucky and loved that we are experiencing and co-creating together for the higher existence’s blueprint on 3D that will help the whole multidimensional beings’ opportunity for the past, present, and future. Life is so beautiful and rich that the future US gave their everything to continue it. -What will happen if this one in a trillion attempt to continue life in 3D fails? Loop will continue until it finds its ONE successful attempt again. Therefore, to make it successful US/They from the multidimensions giving everything to support us. We should realize more and more, over and over how much we are loved and how much hope and hard work they gave in one in a trillion chance of it. They are waiting and looking after us from the multidimensional eternal intelligence itself. Their love for us is similar to one we experience when we love our children, but multidimensional. Embrace and embody LOVE. It is the only way of continuation. It was their only key for successful attempt in trillion.