18 month old fractured tibia first day of day care
Thanks to everyone for all the input. Met with admins from the daycare today and everything went well. They are really nice people. Just had a good chat and got to watch the video which was horrible. They told us after they reviewed it they are going to institute a new procedure for coming down the steps for the toddlers. They have spoken to all the teachers too. We all agreed while it was an accident it was preventable. They said it shouldn’t have happened the way it did especially with it being his first time on the stairs. As per the video the teacher had 7 toddlers coming down 5 steps at same time. She doesn’t assist him but watches him come down backwards the first two steps and then walks away completely to open a door for the other children around a corner about 5 ft away. Meanwhile he then turned to try and go frontwards/sideways which he can’t do and he fell down the last step and rolled his ankle and immediately rolls onto his back screaming. It was horrible. He just turned 18 months so is the youngest in that class.
They are refunding us for the one day he was there and keeping his spot open for when/if we are ready to send him back. No bad blood and three year old still going there. Think we all feel better after clearing the air. I’m still really upset seeing that happen to our baby and I’m just glad it wasn’t more serious and they are going to address the procedures and policies that contributed to it. They said from now on someone will be at the bottom to help since the kids are still so young to navigate those steps.
I posted this in a bumpers group and people recommended I post here. Guys I need advise/help.
Have a just turned 3 year old and an 18month old. I’m a sahm. But 3 year old goes to daycare two days a week. 18 month old started today for part time. He was there 1.5 hours we got a message on their app saying he fell down 2 steps coming down backwards and he was inconsolable and not able to put weight on his leg. In message said they tried to ring me. I had no missed calls. They had the wrong area code for me and never tried my husband.
We rang them back after the message and had got him within 5 min of the message they sent. I’m annoyed they never rang my husband but since we responded to the message so fast maybe they didn’t have time to go through their normal procedure. They had him in the office and he had fallen asleep from crying so much.
Cut to X-rays and he has a fractured tibia and not allowed put weight on it and needs to be carried everywhere. We see a specialist tomorrow so will know timelines then. I feel so sorry for him:(
I’m not sure how to feel about the accident itself. Like I know accidents do happen but like it was his first ever day and within his first two hours that this happened. The teacher was of course upset but I’m not sure I believe he did this going backwards down 2 steps. They were coming in from outside play I guess when it happened. There are about 5 steps. I think he probably tried to just step down forwards by himself and no one was watching him. Of course it’s all conjecture. I know no body there wanted this to happen and my 3 year old likes it there but I can’t help feeling devastated this happened at all especially when they should have been giving him some extra consideration as he was already a little upset on his first day.
I’m going to just wait till after the baby comes now for him to go to daycare. Im 6 months pregnant and probably will wait until after babies first shots. Just devastated this happened to my poor little guy. My husband is out of town next week too so it’s just gonna be a rough few weeks.
What do you guys think?. Do I just chalk it down to a freak accident and move on. What should we do? Like they are supposed to be minding him:( Am I just having a knee jerk reaction to seeing him hurt? My husband is livid. Wasn’t sure where to post and I want to make sure I get other unbiased perspectives to deal with this properly. Oldest only started at 2 and only 2 days a week so I’m a bit inexperienced with day care to be honest.
Thanks a lot for any input in advance.