How strong would Shunsui be if he received the same RG Training that Byakuya did?
Serious question. Even though he is obviously one of the oldest and most experienced shinigami, he also has room for improvement. There's no doubt that he hasn't reached his full potential. His inherent at times care free and lazy personality limits him in some ways. Also do you think it's possible that given his new found responsibilities as head captain he'll train harder and reach a new plateau of power in the hell arc?
Serious question. Even though he is obviously one of the oldest and most experienced shinigami, he also has room for improvement. There's no doubt that he hasn't reached his full potential. His inherent at times care free and lazy personality limits him in some ways. Also do you think it's possible that given his new found responsibilities as head captain he'll train harder and reach a new plateau of power in the hell arc?