Is Astral projection real?
There's something weird happened to me the other day, I couldn't sleep that night Cause I had bad insomnia like the one I used to deal with.. but once I felt myself started drifting off ... I felt myself floating out of my body and it's like my body still there I didn't see it but like that's how I felt or subconsciously I knew.. and I was aware about my surroundings and everything that happened.. I felt floating just a bit above my body and it was weeird feeling and creepy at the same time cause whenever I try to float away I feel like pressure on the back of my head and it's like high pressure sound there so I felt scared and I tried to go back whenever it happened but it's like there an entity that was stopping me so I threw it away and punch it till it disappeared then I was able to go back! it was hard to go back and once I did I woke up! I don't know if I was just hallucinating BUT IT WAS SO WEEEIRD could it be just a sleep paralysis?